Thursday 28 January 2010

Tomorrow's news: my winning photo in SME Weekend!

You've seen the photo here first! Almost two years ago, I took my first double-decker ride through central London and here's the result:

From 06-18 Babyshambles pre-party a afterparty

Ďalší autor, u ktorého nás zaujala aj druhá fotografia. V redakcii sa nám páčil najmä jej kontrast so zvyškom "pekných" záberov. Zašumená a chaotická, možno náhodná, ale jednoznačne má čosi do seba. Posúďte sami.

Nášho "čierneho koňa" potvrdil aj Filip Vančo: "Akoby náhodný záber, z množstvom chaotických detailov, avšak práve preto je plný energie a „pulzu" veľkomesta. Z tohto záberu je cítiť napätie a život nočného mesta s očakávaním niečoho, čo sa ešte len stane. Škoda len, že v druhom pláne, teda mimo priestoru autobusu, nevidíme nejakých ľudí v čitateľnejšej akcii - mám na mysli ich výrazy alebo gestá." Zaradil by ju na tretie miesto.

Another author who has interested us with two photographs. In the editorial board we liked foremost its contrast with the rest of the "nice" shots. Noisy and chaotic, maybe spontaneous, but it has definitely something in it. See for yourself.

Our "black horse" was also confirmed by Filip Vančo: "Sort of a spontaneous shot, with a lot of chaotic details, but that precisely why is it so full of energy and the "pulse" of the metropolis. I can sense a certain tightness and life of a city at night from the picture, with an expectation of something that has yet to happen. It's a pity that we cannot see more action in the second plan, I mean people gesturing or with expressions." He would put the picture in the third place.

I have submitted this photo (and other pictures from my travels) to a first round of a photo contest organized by travelling section of SME, with a jury of internationally acclaimed Slovak photographers and artists (I myself was thrilled that my pictures will be seen by Andrej Bán and Tibor Huszár). I have uploaded the photos and totally forgot about the whole thing.. Until, about a month later I have found out that two of my pictures made it to a selection of 15 pictures (out of over a thousand submitted) and were up to a people´s vote. You have already seen the picture of the streets of Central London that captured the audience and got a 2nd place of the 15 pictures, but here's the picture that was most valued by the jury.


Už v redakcii nás upútal tento netypický pohľad na Londýn. Anonymná postava a stopy odnikiaľ nás donútili zamyslieť sa, koľko ľudských príbehov v tomto mravenisku upadá každý deň do zabudnutia.

Pavel Pecha mal vždy slabosť pre kvalitné, čierno-biele príbehy. Nečudo, že práve túto fotografiu by zaradil na prvé miesto: "Pekná fotka v štýle subjektívneho dokumentu, navyše podporená čierno-bielym prevedením. Zaujímavá konfrontácia človeka s mestskou aglomeráciou. Bolo by dobré vidieť viac fotiek z tohto prostredia - možno by sa postava na obrázku objavila aj v lepšej pozícii."

Already in the editorial board we have been captured by this atypical view of London. An anonymous character and footprints leading from nowhere have lead us to the thought of how many of human stories have been put to oblivion in this human anthill.

Pavel Pecha always had a thing for quality black & white stories. It is not surprising then, that he would put this picture on the first place: "Nice shot in subjective documentary style, highlighted by their black and whiteness. An interesting confrontation with a city agglomeration. It would be good to see more pictures from the same environment - maybe the character would appear in a better position on the picture"

What I got through e-mail yesterday:

Email zo stránky

Dobry den,
dovolujeme si Vam oznamit, ze vasa fotografia z fotosutaze "Pulz metropoly" bude v sobotu 30.1.2010 uverejnena aj v tlacenej podobe dennika SME (priloha Vikend). Ak mate zaujem o honorar 10 eur, poslite prosim cislo uctu, na ktory peniaze obratom zasleme. Gratulujeme a zelame vela dalsich kvalitnych zaberov.

S pozdravom,

Michal Mironov

Email from

Good day,
We would like to inform you that your photography from a photo contest sme.s "The pulse of a metropolitan city" will be on saturday 30.1.2010 printed out in the SME daily (Weekend feature). If you're interested in a financial grant of €10, please sent us your account no and we will send you the money immediately. Congratulations and wishes for more quality shots!

Best regards,
Michal Mironov

Pretty nice, huh? ;)
Go and buy tomorrow's SME it's worth it! For the Forum section I mean;)

In the meantime, here's the link of the contest again:

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