Sunday 16 October 2011

S1NK0 Installed and running!

What a week it has been since the launching of my "S1NK0: 10 years of Slnko Records" photo exhibition at Ben Pascoe's Next Apache café in Bratislava.

First off, the last minute preparations last week went just fine! During a busy, busy week with teaching from 7AM to 6.30PM I've managed to do a final selection of the photos for the exhibition (the selection which I will post here shortly with comments on each photo) and thanks to with their excellent prices and free personal delivery I've also managed to get my Epson up and running.

After a late Thursday afternoon online chat with person running I've found just the right paper to install on the hand-made cardboard panels just in time. I am really really happy with how the photos appear on the 190gr Epson Archival Matte paper. It's very similar to what my favourite band, Pearl Jam, uses on their vinyl booklets and Deep Magazine.

At last but not least I would like to thank Nadja, the "slnko" (sun) in my life for her help and patience in selection of the pictures, getting them print out, getting the right kind of panels, selecting the colour for them, and so on and so forth.


I must say I was really exhausted and probably also a bit financially broke after all the fuss to get the photos installed on time to Ben's café, but as you will see from the next post recapturing the Saturday night, it was really worth all the time and money - because of the friends and family I've managed to gather for the opening.

You can see the photos and read about the opening here, or better, visit the exhibition yourself in Next Apache / Nech sa páči at Panenská 28, Bratislava until the end of October.

Thank you.

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