Tuesday 1 November 2011

2011-10-21 Gangway(SK,PL) Jazz!

I have finally managed to see my sister's Polish jazz band, and what a concert it was! Compared to to the night before show (which was an afterparty for the 20th anniversary edition Jazz Prešov), the setting in Košice was much more intimate, as-a-matter-of-fact a private show for the owner of the Piano Cafe (who had forgotten/chose not to promote the gig with my poster to the wide public) The place in itself was really small, unfortunately with almost no stage lights (and stage as such), but the sound was great. The show was split up into three parts, with setlist as follows (that's my sister's handwriting, btw):

From 2011-10-21 Gangway at Jazz Piano, Košice

So, gangway, it doesn't matter if you haven't managed to grab more audience by your acapella singing and presentation before the concert in Kosice's street. Because you have succeeded in making your hard core of listeners present extremely happy and content. And that is not of small importance ;)

PS: The next city on Gangway's concert list is YOURS, so beware and prepare!

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