Saturday 11 February 2012

2012-02-02 "Draky sa vracajú" Longital/Zapaska Za Zrkadlom, Bratislava

In a cold, cold night in the club Za Zrkadlom (Through the Looking-Glass), two pairs of warm hearts (Bratislava's own Longital with their Ukrainian protégés Zapaska) ignited the air with their music in a reprise of their earlier October performance (a photo review of which you can see here on this blog), dubbed as "Draky sa vracajú"(Dragons are back), an allusion to Longital's current crowd favourite "Mraky Draky"

On my way by tram to work earlier that day, I had realized I was missing out on Zapaska's morning slot at Slovak Radio 4 _FM. I tuned in and magically, a bleak, depressing January morning tram transformed itself into an Ukrainian "каламбур" (Calembour; a pun), with listeners guessing at least three out of more than 50 instruments, the duo uses regularly and Longital radio-premiering their new video. As I was still on the tram, the only clues I got on the actual look of the video was from the colorful commentary by Shina and Dano, the entertaining duo Longital.

You can get the idea from the description they posted below the youtube video themselves:
"The author and animator is Czech artist Piotr Kacenkow alias Kaczena, with the use of original graphics by Polish artist Piotr Kalinski, alias PIO.

The fate of the video was quite winding, with the original idea of a screensaver which ended up in the dust of Kacena's Hardisk until his girlfriend (to whom we are infinitely grateful) discovered the unfinished version recently and made him finish the video. We would also like to thank Kaczena himsef for sleepless nights over the animation process, and last but not least to PIO, the author of the wonderful graphics and our dear friend from Krakow."

It was bound to be an interesting night out in Slovak's biggest housing estate, Petrzalka, an an interesting night it was. From the broken beats of Zapaska, entirely different to what attracted us to them in the first place, through Daniel Salontay's folk dancing during his guitar solo, to Shina and Dano ending the night in a staged-up fight during the last song's roaring outro.

US friends, you can catch Longital later this year at Austin's SXSW showcase on 15,16,17th March
Canadians, later on 22,23,24th March at the Canadian Music Fest
and at last my dear friends in Prague at Roxy /DEPARTURE SERIES/ featuring Milan Cajs (Tata Bojs) + VJ Clad.

A sight to see! Thank you for your attention.

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