Saturday 1 December 2012

2012-12-01 Adventsmarkt Hainburg

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What a marvelous idea! I finally got a weekend afternoon trip out, thanks to Nadja. We were choosing between several locations close to Karlova Ves, Bratislava, where we live. Our close wine centers, Modra, Pezinok and Svätý Jur were all among the choices, but in the end, Nadja had a brilliant idea. "Why don't we just take the Bratislava public close-border transport and go to Hainburg, Austria instead?"

Long story short, two hours later we were on the bus. 20 minutes ride (shorter to some parts of Bratislava) took us to a small town on the other side of Austrian border, which is known in Slovakia for:
- the first mass trip from post-communist Bratislava to Western Europe ("Hello Europe" in Nov 1989 - see, part fifteen)
- shopping - for some reason, things are cheaper in Austria, where people have their wages 4-5 times the Slovak ones. Facts of life.

So we went here for a third reason - to sightsee and enjoy ourselves. Both of which we fulfilled to a high degree. We were lucky tho, because when we arrived, we found out, that there was a Advent market with charities offering Christmas products, punch, mulled wine and so on, so of course we had a sip of the orange punch and went for a stroll around the city, trying out two caffés, loosing Nadja's ring on the way unfortunately, taking photos along the way. These you can see up here of course. Cheers!

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