Tuesday 11 November 2014

Monday 27 October 2014

2014-Oct-27 Siva Brada

After the trip we took with Nadja, now my wife to Nove Zamky, with her parents we stopped in Siva Brada on the way back.

The sun was setting down and the result was enchanting. See for yourself:

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immerse yourselves in the panorama

Sunday 7 September 2014

2014-Sep-06 Our wedding (warning, photos)

I do not care, if it sounds like a cliche - it were beatiful days for the next step with Nadja. If you care for us and don't mind wading through a lot of photos, please do so.

They were thankfully shot by a friend, a great (and now even famous) Robert Tappert

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Except for the actual wonderful day, where interestingly enough we got photographed by our great high school teacher Rado Slivka. He had a 5+ ex-students at the event with 70- attendees and he still did a remarkable job. THe only thing I had to help in the end was the post processing for the .nef raw files from the camera. He is usually so good in portraits, he shoots straight to jpg.

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Saturday 7 June 2014

2014-Jun-6,7 ELTForum.SK - teaching conference

I was so lucky to take an active part in this again!

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My most active part this year was recording the key lectures and transcribing them. Have a look, they were all very inspiring!

Sunday 25 May 2014

2014-May-25 Sunday Parade

Where I got my bicycle up and running again..

Thursday 1 May 2014

2014-May-1 Kapitulské dvory Open

What a beautiful 1st of may at an interesting historical bystreet of Bratislava. More on this here http://www.ozivenie-kapitulskej.sk/news/kapitulske-dvory/ , or just google "Kapitulské dvory 2014".
watch another photo essay below:

Sunday 23 March 2014

2014-Mar-21-23 Poprad, SK: Učíme pre život / "We teach for life" conference

I have been very fortunate to take part in this (even an active one in documenting the below film made by Voices.SK)

It has been a very energizing experience to watch fellow Slovak teachers, lecturers, school managers etc. working and sharing together. In our own language centre team retreat, I had a presentation on it (albeit in Slovak), which you can see below (with links to my Google Drive notes):

And here, finally is the aforementioned Voices.sk movie (again, in Slovak) about the conference:

Thursday 20 February 2014

2014-Feb-20 Kolowrat, Jana Kirschner at Voices 33 Bratislava,SK

A night of words, music and inspiration, that is Voices!
Too bad I have only started attending with its 33rd installation - at least I took a camera:

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Here are the night's highlights for me:
And here's poster and more info