Friday 16 October 2015

2015-Oct-16 Pressburger Klezmer "Tsvantsik Yorn" / MDPOH Bratislava

First of all, we would really like to thank Pressburger Klezmer Band for trusting us to document their 20th anniversary "Tsvantsik Yorn" concert. It was both big honour and pleasure.

And they did not only let us on the show, they also let us in on the rehearsal, as you can see:

There were lots and lots of guests, from the original, founding members to the unique Karin Sarkisjan. And there was even folk dancing:

THIS IS A UNIQUE VIDEO! Founding members of PREßBURGER KLEZMER BAND are playing the first tune of the band after 20...
Posted by Preßburger Klezmer Band on Wednesday, October 21, 2015

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