Monday 16 November 2015

2015-Nov-16,17 Longital+Marián Varga / Nové ploty, Stará Tržnica, Bratislava, SK

What a show - Longital again, at a ‘ A commemorative event for the occasion of the 26th anniversary of November ’89, in Old Market, Bratislava.

In the present situation of Europe, some memories overlap with the reality. New fences in creation on southern borders of Europe are in contrast with tearing down the fences which once built the Iron Curtain. Many in our society stand in front of dilemma – is it a symbol of freedom for which we jingled the keys for – the freedom to guard the fences from our side of the border against the stream of refugees, or to help those, which exhausted and without a shelter do stand on the other side of the fence?’ (from

Here's Shina looking very ferocious
From 2015-11-16 Longital, Stará Tržnica

And here are all the photos

Not very good in quality, but you can see the photos of the new borders that were being shown at the event:

A to je všetko? (Video by Martina Mlcuchova)

The next day, we got a very special performance by the legendary Marián Varga

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