Thursday 26 November 2015

2015-Nov-26 Big Beat Deluxe - Ursíny / Stará Tržnica, Bratislava, SK

Great hommage to a great singer,songwriter and musician, Dežo Ursíny

First of started by the talented jazz Talent Transport, who share the drummer Marián Slávka with Longital:
But most of the evening was led by the house band, lead by Martin Gašpar with Martin Wittgruber on the keyboard, Maťko Zajko on the guitar, Ajdži Sabo on the percussions and Czech Ondřej Konrád on the harmonica:
The band was later joined by Katarína Kubošiová, aka Katarzia:
From 2015-11-26 Bigbeat Deluxe - lekcia Ursíny
She changed places with the godfather of Slovak jazz, Peter Lipa:
From 2015-11-26 Bigbeat Deluxe - lekcia Ursíny
Who changed places with ex-Lucie singer and musician, David Koller:
From 2015-11-26 Bigbeat Deluxe - lekcia Ursíny
Who swapped with the one and only, Jana Kirschner:
From 2015-11-26 Bigbeat Deluxe - lekcia Ursíny
Before the finale ofthe show, the house band left the stage to the Czech legends, Buty
From 2015-11-26 Bigbeat Deluxe - lekcia Ursíny
And back to the house band, now with Miro Žbirka, who has a brand new English album, recorder at Abbey Rd studios
From 2015-11-26 Bigbeat Deluxe - lekcia Ursíny
Here are they all again, with the poet and Dežo Ursíny's friend and lyricist, Ivan Štrpka
From 2015-11-26 Bigbeat Deluxe - lekcia Ursíny
And slideshow!

1 comment:

  1. Výborné fotky Ondro, držím palce, aby si napredoval a mohol sa tým aj živiť..pozdravy
