Monday 7 January 2013

2012 place/date

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year in pictures (open picasa slideshow with captions;)

2012-01-02 1-1 Pingpong tournament / CVČ, Vranov, SK
2012-01-06 Eastern Christmas in the West / Bratislava,SK
2012-01-13 last days of "Nové Slovensko" (New Slovakia) exhibion / SNG, Bratislava, SK
2012-01-24 "Noc Lesbičiek" / Malá Scéna STU, Bratislava, SK
2012-01-28 PJ20 Ukulele Party-Slava / Bratislava,SK
2012-01-31 "Novecento – Legenda o pianistovi" (trailer) / Divadlo v podpalubí, Loď, Bratislava, SK
2012-02-02 Draky sa vracajú Longital(11)&Zapaska(2) / Za Zrkadlom, Bratislava, SK /Posted by Picasa
2012-02-18 "Jeden Svet" (One World) Film Festival / Vranov, SK
2012-02-26 "Losar_SK" Tibetan New Year / KC Dunaj,Bratislava,SK
2012-03-02 1-1 pingpong tournament / Karlova Ves, Bratislava, SK
2012-03-04 Regio|Jet free train ride / BA-Michal na Ostrove-Dun.Streda-Komárno-BA,SK
2012-03-14 PaCoRa "Fugit Hora" / Slovenský Rozhlas, Bratislava, SK
2012-03-17 Exploring water / Dráždiak, Zlaté Piesky, Štrkovec..Bratislava,SK
2012-03-31 Kolowrat(12) sup. Therapy / MMC, Bratislava, SK Posted by Picasa
From 2012-03-31 Kolowrat+Therapy at MMC, Bratislava, SK
2012-03-18 1-1 pingpong tournament / Zlaté Piesky, Bratislava, SK
2012-03-24 Dobrý Trh / Panenská, Bratislava, SK
2012-04-12 "Dizajn ako Repa" (design Juraj Výboh, music Longital(12)) / SATELIT-SCD, Bratislava,SK Posted by Picasa
2012-04-09 Easter family T2R game night / Vranov, SK
2012-04-13 Game night / Karlova Ves, SK
2012-04-17 "English - Slovak" State exam pt I / 1SJŠ, Bratislava, SK
2012-04-22 A day at the ZOO / ZOO, Bratislava, SK
2012-04-27 Jaromír Nohavica / Ateliér Babylon, Bratislava, SK
2012-05-03 SNG Nažive! / SNG, Bratislava, SK
2012-05-5,6 Hiking Weekend / Dedinky, Slovenský Raj, SKPosted by Picasa
2012-05-18 Anasoft Litera Fest + Frank Winter / Artforum, Bratislava, SK Posted by Picasa
2012-05-19 Testing our eskimo diving skills at canoeing / Bratislava, SK
2012-06-06 Anchorage Youth Symphony / Reduta, Bratislava, SK
2012-06-16 Biking trip around Vranov / around Vranov, SK
2012-06-19 Domaša
2012-06-22 Kolowrat(13) / U Očka, Bratislava, SK /Posted by Picasa
2012-06-23 Pocta Jarovi Filipovi / Hlavné Námestie, Bratislava, SK
From 2012-07-02 Pearl Jam Praha
2012-07-02 Pearl Jam / O2 Arena, Praha, CZ Posted by Picasa/
2012-07-03 pub crawling with Kika / Cross, Praha, CZ Posted by Picasa
2012-07-4,5 Pearl Jam / O2 World, Berlin, DE Posted by Picasa/
2012-07-6,7 CSing with Alex / Wedding-Viktoriapark-Tempelhof, Berlin, DE Posted by Picasa
2012-07-09 Ann Scott&Gemma Hayes / Music Gallery U Dežmára, BA Posted by Picasa

From 2012-08-03 Beseda U Bigbítu, Tasov, CZ, Day 1
Exploring East with Danka
2012-07-18,19 Domaša
2012-07-22 Exploring jewish and other heritage, meeting old friends / Smelly cat, Zvonárska, STM Košice, SK
2012-07-24 Tasting wines, more synagogues / Prešov, SK
2012-08-03 Solliloqui CZ, Zapaska UA, People CZ, Prago Union CZ, Deer Deer CZ, abigail ybarra-CZ
Planety CZ, Cedric Burnside-US, Sto Múch-SK, Three Trapped Tigers-UK, ZVA-12-28 SK Posted by Picasa
2012-08-04 Bitumen Beat-CZ, Soutěž písničkářů, Bezobratři CZ, A-Jam Session UV festivalu, Hugo DGen SK, Korben Dallas-SK, Čvachtavý Lachtan-CZ, Circus Cermaque-CZ, Like Fool-CZ, Jablkoň-CZ, Bonus-CZ, Floex-CZ, Vidiek-SK, Olivia Anna Livki PL/DE, Hidden Orchestra UK, The Truth Is Out There-CZ Posted by Picasa
2012-08-05 Karpatské Chrbáty-SK

From 2012-08-25 Bratislavské Bunkre
2012-08-13,14,15,16,17 Summer School (+wine tasting) / Modra,SK
2012-08-25 MP_BA Vlastivedná prechádzka - Bratislavské bunkre Posted by Picasa
2012-08-27 Dark Knight Rises; Red Hot Chili Peppers /IMAX + Synot Tip Arena, Prague
2012-09-06 PIO + Longital(13) / Polski Institut, Bratislava, SK Posted by Picasa
2012-09-08 fontán Ružinovských s M_P_BA / Ružinov, Bratislava, SK Posted by Picasa
2012-10-06 Mom's 50 / Vranov, SK
2012-10-12 Pentagramček / Bratislava, SK
2012-11-03 MP_BA Nočná vlastivedná / Ondrejský cintorín, Bratislava, SK
2012-11-21 Wide angle photography / Piešťany, SK
2012-11-23 Živé Kvety(17)/ U Očka, SK Posted by Picasa/
2012-12-01 Adventmarkt/ Hainburg, OE Posted by Picasa/
2012-12-08 Zimný Žákovic Open - Le Payaco, Walter Schnitzelsson Posted by Picasa/
2012-12-13 International Students Christmas Party + The Hobbit Screening / Bratislava, SK
2012-12-21 CS Hosting Gary, the hitchiking couchsurfer
2012-12-22 The Hobbit / Cinemax, Prešov, SK
2012-12-25 Family T2R gaming / Vranov, SK
2012-12-31 NYE / Bratislava, SK