Thursday 26 November 2015

2015-Nov-26 Big Beat Deluxe - Ursíny / Stará Tržnica, Bratislava, SK

Great hommage to a great singer,songwriter and musician, Dežo Ursíny

First of started by the talented jazz Talent Transport, who share the drummer Marián Slávka with Longital:
But most of the evening was led by the house band, lead by Martin Gašpar with Martin Wittgruber on the keyboard, Maťko Zajko on the guitar, Ajdži Sabo on the percussions and Czech Ondřej Konrád on the harmonica:
The band was later joined by Katarína Kubošiová, aka Katarzia:
From 2015-11-26 Bigbeat Deluxe - lekcia Ursíny
She changed places with the godfather of Slovak jazz, Peter Lipa:
From 2015-11-26 Bigbeat Deluxe - lekcia Ursíny
Who changed places with ex-Lucie singer and musician, David Koller:
From 2015-11-26 Bigbeat Deluxe - lekcia Ursíny
Who swapped with the one and only, Jana Kirschner:
From 2015-11-26 Bigbeat Deluxe - lekcia Ursíny
Before the finale ofthe show, the house band left the stage to the Czech legends, Buty
From 2015-11-26 Bigbeat Deluxe - lekcia Ursíny
And back to the house band, now with Miro Žbirka, who has a brand new English album, recorder at Abbey Rd studios
From 2015-11-26 Bigbeat Deluxe - lekcia Ursíny
Here are they all again, with the poet and Dežo Ursíny's friend and lyricist, Ivan Štrpka
From 2015-11-26 Bigbeat Deluxe - lekcia Ursíny
And slideshow!

Wednesday 25 November 2015

2015-Nov-25 Archívny Chlapec, James Harries, Živé Kvety / SNG Berlinka, Bratislava, SK

As other shows at Slovak National Gallery (and its great venue, Berlinka), this show was special.

It combined the songwriting powers of Slovak, Czech and UK musicians in a very organic way.

And lucky me with Nadja were there to bear witness. Now you can see it too.

First it started with Richard Vávra from Kúty, aka "Archívny chlapec", a very promising musician, who just released his first album album on Slnkorecords, called Zvery (Animals).

He is very humble and has a nice sense of humour

But he's also a haunting and powerful singer

Here he is supportin, James Harries, a songwriter currently residing in Prague:

You can see James Harries style and poetry in this piece of handwriting he left us that night
From 2015-11-25 Archívny chlapec, James Harries

And here is all that he played that night:
From 2015-11-25 Archívny chlapec, James Harries

And finally, here are Živé Kvety, an explosion of songwriting from Bratislava, that should not be a surprise to you here by now.

Here you can find the rest of the photos:

and the setlist
From 2015-11-25 Živé Kvety

Sunday 22 November 2015

2015-Nov-22 Koncert pre Juraja / Urban House

A lover of good music, literature, life, and people. An acclaimed journalist, passionate bookseller, and the most kind-hearted man, Juraj Kušnierik, passed away on 13 November. His close friends and colleagues decided to organise a CONCERT FOR JURAJ.

He was part of many projects in the Slovak cultural scene and in his elegant way, he connected different world: the bookshop, the magazine .týždeň, Festival Bažant Pohoda, Radio_FM, and more. These worlds met on Sunday, 22 November in Urban House in Laurinská 14 in Bratislava to honour this noble man.

The highlights of the day included a concert by Korben Dallas, here's the singer's best moment:

Also, when Živé Kvety's singer Lucia helped cellist Daniel Matej with her microphone:

And in the end, when a superband got together - Živé Kvety with Marián Varga, Shooty, Tomáš Sloboda, Daniel Matej and Whisky

Wednesday 18 November 2015

2015-Nov-18 Cinematic Orchestra / Stará Tržnica, Bratislava, SK

A big, big concert once again in Stará Tržnica

Started by Dorian Concept

And continued with the many-piece London-based Cinematic Orchestra

Here's the atmosphere in some moving images:

Monday 16 November 2015

2015-Nov-16,17 Longital+Marián Varga / Nové ploty, Stará Tržnica, Bratislava, SK

What a show - Longital again, at a ‘ A commemorative event for the occasion of the 26th anniversary of November ’89, in Old Market, Bratislava.

In the present situation of Europe, some memories overlap with the reality. New fences in creation on southern borders of Europe are in contrast with tearing down the fences which once built the Iron Curtain. Many in our society stand in front of dilemma – is it a symbol of freedom for which we jingled the keys for – the freedom to guard the fences from our side of the border against the stream of refugees, or to help those, which exhausted and without a shelter do stand on the other side of the fence?’ (from

Here's Shina looking very ferocious
From 2015-11-16 Longital, Stará Tržnica

And here are all the photos

Not very good in quality, but you can see the photos of the new borders that were being shown at the event:

A to je všetko? (Video by Martina Mlcuchova)

The next day, we got a very special performance by the legendary Marián Varga

Sunday 15 November 2015

2015-Nov-14,15 Slovak Paradise

So glad KST Kremenec went for our first get-in together (and in Slovak Paradise no less!)

On Saturday it was ladders (no snakes) in Suchá Belá gorge (and later a hot bath in Vrbov)

Second day, we managed the general meeting of the club and hiking to Piecky gorge and back via uncharted paths.

And at last, here's an automatic video made by Google photos (you have to click to see it unfortunately)
From 11/18/15

Thursday 12 November 2015

2015-Nov-12 Jaga Jazzist / Ateliér Babylon, Bratislava, SK

I am so glad we were asked with Nadja to photograph this show

Here's Nadja's photo of the band with the fans

From 2015-11-12 Jaga Jazzist

Even if the light was challenging as you can see from the video of the show:

Wednesday 11 November 2015

2015-Nov-11 Trombone Shorty, Foo Fighters / Stadthalle, Vienna, AT

Sadly, one show before Paris and the cancellation of the rest of the tour.

Thank you so much more, Foo Fighters!

Could you believe that at the day of the show, 3PM I had no idea I would make it? I love concerts in Vienna!

Now we remain with Santa Cecilia

Sunday 8 November 2015

Sunday 1 November 2015

2015-Nov-1 Karloveské Rameno / Bratislava,SK

Wandering about our favourite part of Bratislava with a new Sony A7

And this is why I like Danube!
From 2015-11-01 Dunaj